Date: 13/02/2017
Feedback Given By: User_6893
Feedback Comment: Nice and fast work
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: I want someone to make powerpoint with following this information. Create a 5-slide PPT (not Prezi): Slide 1- Introduce the company would like to work for (Saudi Aramco) Slide 2- Introduce which of the 4 managerial viewpoints you believe is dominant for that company - and give me a reason for each bullet point associated with the viewpoint (see p. 61; tell me what the company does that relates to each bullet point - i.e., facts/data) Slide 3- Explain why you think that the company has the managerial viewpoint (your opinion based on facts) Slide 4- What three things would make you qualified to work for that company? Slide 5 - What kind of a manager would you be at that company? I upload page 61 see it please.