Date: 02/09/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: Meet up with the deadlines.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: To receive full credit for posts you must submit at least one page typed initial post and responses must be at least a paragraph and you must include links (or source information) for the article(s) you use as reference. Over the past 10 to 15 years the subject of probiotics has gained popularity in the medical and lay communities. After reading at least two articles, comment on probiotics (below is a list of possible comment topics): 1.Do they have a place in health and wellness 2.Pros and cons of probiotics 3.What should one look for if purchasing a probiotic Below are possible links/articles that you might use. If you use other articles (which is perfectly OK), make sure they are actually research or education articles, not articles trying to sell the author's own products. WebMD Probiotics (Links to an external site.) NIH Probiotics (Links to an external site.) Drake Probiotics (Links to an external site.)