Date: 02/06/2017
Feedback Given By: User_8849
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: TalentedTeacher
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: Hi there, I need someone to read Academic Journal Articles and do review paper 2 to 3 pages long you have to include in the review this things: 1-The authors purpose in writing the article 2-The authors main thesis 3-The authors challenging of other historical viewpoints 4-The evidence utilized by the author (specifically primary sources) 5-Personal likes/dislikes 6-How the author could make the work stronger? 7-The recommend audience of the article? 8-Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of the United States 9-An example of how this article supports/contradicts Eric Foner's Give Me Liberty 10-Suggested reading to accompany this work (not required, but helpful) ""I do have a 3 more of this review if you did a great job on them you going to get the others"