Date: 02/02/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9588
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: In Okinawa, this senior center is a place for dancing, and smiles, and good health, Okinawans live longer than almost anyone else in the world. [ Background noise ] >> Reason one, the Okinawa diet: vegetables, tofu, pork, fat boiled out. >> It's to support our good health. >> That's the good news, here's the bad. [ Background noise ] >> The Japanese have a new love, American fast food, every style, everywhere, dining habits in Okinawa imported with the thousands of U.S. service men, stationed here. [ Foreign language ] >> My son, she says, wants Big Mac, Big Mac, in Okinawa, you see what was unthinkable a decade ago, overweight Japanese. Ask a kid in Japan if he wants fish and vegetables, or a hamburger. >> Hamburger. >> Hamburger. >> Okinawan food is healthy, but not overly tasty, the vegetables are bitter, and the tofu and boiled meet, just a bit bland, not as tempting, say, as a double cheese pepperoni pizza, but maybe not as dangerous. From the first days of fast food in the '60s, the Japanese have seen rates for death by heart disease, and by diabetes going up and up. [ Background noise ] >> There is no magic to living long, the elderly of Okinawa will tell you. [ Foreign language ] >> I eat tofu and seaweed, he says, and fish. [ Foreign language ] >> If parents don't pass on the Okinawa diet, says this woman, it will die out, but increasingly, younger Japanese are giving up time honored food for fast food, and perhaps giving up not just a traditional life, but a long life. This is the Transcript of a video above that will just give an idea about what to write. After Watching the video, Healthy Diet: A Cultural Perspective discuss what it is about the current American culture that inhibits our willingness to make healthy food choices. Your answer should include at least three issues and a discussion of each concern. After Watching the video, Healthy Diet: A Cultural Perspective discuss what it is about the current American culture that inhibits our willingness to make healthy food choices. Your answer should include at least three issues and a discussion of each concern. After Watching the video, Healthy Diet: A Cultural Perspective discuss what it is about the current American culture that inhibits our willingness to make healthy food choices. Your answer should include at least three issues and a discussion of each concern. After Watching the video, Healthy Diet: A Cultural Perspective discuss what it is about the current American culture that inhibits our willingness to make healthy food choices. Your answer should include at least three issues and a discussion of each concern.