Date: 30/01/2017
Feedback Given By: User_10287
Feedback Comment: Fantastic! He provided exactly what I was asking for and I will undoubtedly use kelvinrotich in the future. Great job!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: kelvinrotich
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: ***Please read before bidding*** This paper has been completed however, there were a few things left out that need to be added in. I have added a rubric for reference but I mainly need all the ligaments (5), quads(4), hamstrings(4) and the screw home mechanism and the popliteus mentioned. You are welcome to change or add whatever you would like if you believe it will be better for the paper. This paper's purpose is to basically show I understand the knee in its parts and its functions. As of now, I do not believe all requirements are met for this APA paper and would love your assistance in making it the best it can be. Please ask if you have any questions. Goal is to reflect the highlighted areas in the provided rubric as best as possible.