Date: 14/01/2017
Feedback Given By: User_9864
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: annewriter
Total payment made for this project was: $10.00
Project Summary: First choose one the following theories to research in greater depth: Psychodynamic Social Learning Behaviorism Cognitive Ecological Then, respond to the following questions in 1 - 2 double spaced pages: If you had to choose a theory that best represents your own viewpoint about human development, which one would it be? Describe this theory and explain how it best represents your own viewpoint about human development. Provide at least 2 examples from real life situations to prove how this theory represents your own viewpoint of human development. Tell how your theory supports one of the following themes in developmental psychology: continuity vs. discontinuity; universal vs. context dependent development (culture, vs. society); nature vs. nurture. Describe how your theory describes the development of the individual over a lifespan. Now compare and contrast 2 theorists within the developmental theory you have chosen. e.g. *Psychodynamic - Freud and Erikson *Social Learning- Bandura (compare him to a Behaviorist) *Behaviorism - Pavlov, Watson, Skinner *Cognitive - Skinner, Piaget, Vygotsky *Ecological- Bronfenbrenner, Bowlby