Date: 12/12/2016
Feedback Given By: User_10973
Feedback Comment: Well job done. I wish the answers were a bit more elaborated but overall it was great.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Answer the questions in full: 1. Discuss labor unions. What is their current status in American society? How does their current status reflect the prevailing social compact? How do you account for any changes in the status of unions? Is the current mood regarding unions explicable or, inexplicable, given what you know about government and politics in the United States? 2.It is said that authority in the United States is dispersed and fragmented. What is meant by that statement? Would you say that this fact redounds to the advantage or, disadvantage for US business in trying to affect policy outcomes? In your answer cite a policy problem affecting business to illustrate your point. Explain. 3. Of the declared candidates for the presidency, which do you believe holds a philosophy regarding the preference of public or private means as the most effective problem-solving mechanism, with which you agree the most? Explain, citing a position that you know that they hold or, are likely to hold, on a public policy PROBLEM. Is the position that the two of you hold more constitutional or, unconstitutional? Explain, citing the relevant constitutional provision.