Date: 12/10/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9770
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: HavardGraduateWriter
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: I need a rough draft (methods and results) of the same topic you did for the outline. this is the prompt: Methods and Results Streamline methods from two articles (minimum) but thoroughly explain all background in methods; cannot simply state the methods used. Detail the span of study, region, population size, criterion for selection or explain how the experiments were conducted in detail. Put the results into simple tables, do not use overly detailed charts directly from the journals; these have poor resolution for presentation and critically understanding scientific writing means distilling key components. APA Format Min. 5+ pages Must be in your own words Must explain anything the author's use, such as scales use, PCR, Western Blots, statistical analysis, graphs, abbreviations, etc. If the method includes questionnaire(s), you will need to include sample questions from these. May not want to use original graphs-usually better to redo as typically they are too long and too complicated Must label axis and give a title (reference, this will say adapted from) Must get creative with your tables I will do a mini lecture on excel, how to make charts, how to insert pictures, how to label axis, title, etc. Try and put all results into your own charts. Don't forget pictures in this section too; keep it interesting! Research Proposal Section of Conclusion 1. Title of Proposal: _________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions as completely as possible Purpose 2. What is the problem being addressed? 3. Is the problem clearly presented? If yes, how? If no, how could the writers clarify the purpose? Audience 4. Who will benefit from research? 5. Why do we need this research, how will it change what had already been done to address the problem? Project Plan and Description 6. Identify the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How of how you would conduct the project. Introduction with figures 1-2 pages (Centered and Bold-Faced) Methods with figures or table, or bullet point, 1-2 pages (Centered and Bold-Faced) Results with figures or graph or written summary 1-2 pages (Centered and Bold-Faced) Conclusions with figures and written summary 1-2 pages (Centered and Bold-Faced) References 1 page (Centered and Bold-Faced) I will post a sheet that says what each paragraph should have.