Date: 12/02/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7499
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tutorVictoria
Total payment made for this project was: $40.00
Project Summary: Please Please read all of the above thank you!!! !!Below is my self assessment for this essay! (worksheet attached is a separate assignment) -Discuss your assessment in a 500 word essay to include the following: -What does the result say about your level of PsyCap? -What strategies would you implement to advance your career based on your result? -Explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as at least 2 content motivation theories and 2 process theories of motivation, excluding Locke's Goal Setting, that can improve or enhance in your job performance. -How can goal-setting to increase your motivation and improve your job performance? -How might your engagement and job satisfaction influence your motivation? How do they also impact your job performance? My Level of PsyCap Self-Assessment Score : 18 pts. 15 - 18 pts. Feedback: High level of PsyCap. Resiliency Score : 18 pts. 15 - 18 pts. Feedback: High level of PsyCap. Hope Score : 18 pts. 15 - 18 pts. Feedback: High level of PsyCap. Optimism Score : 18 pts. 15 - 18 pts. Feedback: High level of PsyCap. !!!!!! I have also attached a separate worksheet below that needs to be completed again on the related topic!