Date: 30/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9348
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ExcellentTutor
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Please note that this forum has two parts, so read these instructions carefully. First, choose one of the essays from the section Issues Facing America listed in the Supplemental Readings section of the course lessons. Then, explain to the class where you believe the following terms are found in the essay if applicable: claim, support, warrant, backing, rebuttal, and qualifier. Give citations to back up your points, and create a final works cited citation for this essay. Next, please take a look at the Turnitin.com report that was created when you uploaded your Critical Evaluation Essay. Did you learn anything from reading that report? What, if anything, do you need to do differently when you cite your sources for your next essay? In your responses, comment on your classmates analysis of the his/her chosen essay. If you disagree with the analysis, explain why. You may also use this reply to comment on whether the organization, as explained by your classmate, creates a strong argument. Supplemental Reading /access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/Supplemental%20Resources/English%20102-Supplemental%20Readings%20List010112013.pdf