Date: 30/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_10420
Feedback Comment: Great job and on time!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Need in 6 hours - 3 Page Research Paper NO WIKIPEDIA Please research Agent Orange, and determine if the chemical has been responsible for the death and health issues of millions of people during and since the Vietnam War. Was the chemical indiscriminately dispersed, knowing that immediate and long-term effects would impact any human and animal life coming in contact with the chemical? What effort has the United States government provided to compensate and care for those whose lives have been destroyed by this chemical? Are such chemicals still used in military operations? What should be done for the millions of families across the globe who suffer from the debilitating effects of this chemical? Please rely on the Waldorf Online Library for access to articles concerning this issue. If the appropriate source is not available through Waldorf, please refer to another reliable source; please remember that Wikipedia.org and other similar sources are not accepted by Waldorf. Write a minimum three-page, double-spaced paper summarizing the effects of the use of Agent Orange, not only on the victims, but also on the families and in communities where each victim lives. In addition to the topics above, your paper should also discuss the following: signs and symptoms, incubation time, mode of exposure (e.g., injection, inhalation, cutaneous), prevention, treatment, locality impacts (e.g., weather, location, population), sociological impacts, and counteraction strategies.