Date: 27/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_7499
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: WBURO
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: Below: Complete the "What is My Big Five Personality Profile?" Self-Assessment. Write a 650 word essay to include the following: -Explain the role of personality types in job performance. -What is the significance of personality in the role of a manager? -Provide lessons you took away from the self-assessment result in regards to your personality and how well it would fit in a managerial role. -Does your personality align with being a manager? Why or why not? Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines. !!My Personality Type: Extraversion Score Score : 8 pts. Feedback: Moderate level of personality factor. Agreeableness Score Score : 9 pts. Feedback: High level of personality factor. Conscientiousness Score Score : 10 pts. Feedback: High level of personality factor. Emotional Stability Score Score : 4 pts. Feedback: Low level of personality factor. Openness to Experience Score Score : 9 pts. Feedback: High level of personality factor.