Date: 22/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: Awesome job!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: You and the Salton Sea:please write up a bit about your personal knowledge and experiences with the Salton Sea. What do you know about it? Have you visited? Have you camped there, fished, canoed....? Do you live nearby? Also, please discuss your experiences with air quality and airborne dust in your area, where you live, when our area experiences high winds. Do you, or anyone in your family, have breathing and respiratory problems? This could include asthma, COPD, lung infections, or anything else you or anyone in your family experience from living in the Coachella Valley and especially those who live closer to the Sea, as in Thermal and Coachella and North Shore. 2. Annotated Bibliography:Pleasedo a "google" search and pick TWO websites that include information and/or articles about the Salton Sea. Pick websites that provide information and/or materials focusing on the Salton Sea, and summarize the main points of each site, the final takeaways, and what you learned from these sites. Each website summary should be a good paragraph or two in length. Also discuss briefly why you picked these two sites, and why do you find them helpful in learning more about the Salton Sea? Please include the LINKS to these sites, entered in MLA works cited list format - at the bottom of your summaries.