Date: 14/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: Nice work!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: 1. FINAL THOUGHTS ON READING THE NOVEL CEREMONY What are your final take-aways from this novel? What have you learned about Native American culture & some of the obstacles Native American people face in our times? Insights on PTSD, family relations, and other aspects of the novel? How do you feel, in the end, about Silko's use of a non-linear plot structure, and her patterns of weaving in the various storylines this way? Final feelings, thoughts, impressions from reading the novel. 2. THE SALTON SEA: ONE COLLEGE OF THE DESERT STUDENT'S PERSUASIVE ARTICLE I'm proud of the following article, "Air We Can Not Breathe: The Ongoing Fight Against Environmental Injustice," by College student Marina Barrigan. Read the article, and then give a response in which you provide a brief synopsis/overview of Marina's subject and position on her topic. What is she arguing for or against, and what is she trying to get readers to learn about and know? The article is at the link below: http://www.desertreport.org/?p=1778 3. THE SALTON SEA: WHY WE NEED THE SALTON SEA This next article gives an overview of the importance and critical value of the role the Salton Sea lays in our local desert ecologies and other aspects of life for those of us in Coachella and Imperial Counties. This is also a persuasive article, outlining why the author thinks that the Salton Sea is so important to our local region. Please read and provide a synopsis of the author's main points on why the sea is important to our region; in other words, the author's subject and position. http://www.desertreport.org/?p=1816