Date: 13/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: Awesome job!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: SIX PARAGRAPH ESSAY (5+1) TAYO'S HEALING JOURNEY IN THE NOVEL "CEREMONY" This essay will state and defend/illustrate the position that: "Ceremony" is a novel about a young man - Tayo's - healing journey, from PTSD and cultural and family conflicts to building a life of wellness, connection, and identity. You'll need to use examples and passages from the book to support your position. Please be sure to follow the directions below for how to construct your essay. Substitutions to this assignment will NOT be accepted. Introduction Paragraph: Thesis statement, as follows: "Ceremony is a novel which shows the journey of a young mixed-race Native American veteran of World War 2, Tayo, from sickness, pain and personal loss into a life of healing, connection and belonging." Introduction should also include a brief overview of the main points of supporting this thesis statement that you're going to bring into your essay, and a creative hook of your choice to help get your readers focused. Novel Overview Paragraph: Provide a "reader's digest" version of the main character and the narrative arc of the novel/plot structure from start to finish. This should include brief mention of the timeline of events, setting/s, conflicts Tayo experiences, and with whom, and what and who he encounters in his path towards healing. It's also important to make sure you outline here what problems/sickness/ Tayo has, at the start of the novel; what he's struggling with. Support Paragraph 1. Pick and discuss ONE of the people, places, things or actions that begin to aid Tayo, in his healing journey and how this part of his healing journey unfolds symbolically or literally. Support Paragraph 2. Pick and discuss ANOTHER of the people, places, things or actions that begin to aid Tayo in his healing journey and how this part of his healing journey unfolds symbolically or literally. Support Paragraph 2. Pick and discuss ANOTHER of the people, places, things or actions that begin to aid Tayo in his healing journey and how this part of his healing journey unfolds symbolically or literally. Conclusion Paragraph: Re-state your thesis, and bring in your final ideas and thoughts on how the novel Ceremony serves as a healing ceremony in itself for Tayo, and also your own thoughts and feelings and reactions to reading the book...was it useful, meaningful, and memorable to you? Be sure to include a works cited page, where you list the novel Ceremony.