Date: 11/11/2016
Feedback Given By: User_8950
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Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $35.00
Project Summary: The requirement for this assignment is writing an essay of 4 bages about president Obama as a negotiator.I have uploaded an article to give a writer an idea about what he or she will write about and how to write. the essay must include at least 4references. I will applaud my first work assay on this assignment but it need an editing and relating it with the first of all, the writer must include negotiation theories as an integrated essay. secondly,he or she must connect what he or she wrote before with the theories. for surly, the theories are indicated below 1. Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining 2. Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation 3. Negotiation Strategy and Planning 4. Ethics in negotiation 5. Perception, Cognition and Emotion 6. using negotiation Power 7. Communication.