Date: 11/03/2016
Feedback Given By: User_6265
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: part one: answer this questions" in your opinion, is a maritime fire plan needed as a standalone standard, or do you think it should be incorporated into existing industry fire standards? Why Is it mandatory? " with 2 paragraph. Also, 2 student replied to it so you have to reply to each student one paragraph for example you agree or disagree why or why not like that . so that mean you should do 4 total paragraphs. Student reply1 : I think that maritime needs a fire plan as a standalone standard because maritime is such a different type of environment. They have to deal with all the elements, different kinds of chemicals, and different types of work. In one section of the standard it says "A Marine Chemist, a Coast Guard-authorized person, or a shipyard Competent Person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart B, requires that a fire watch be posted". So a lot of the standards are just general standards but some of them are specifically for maritime. It is mandatory because it is a standard which is pretty much a law. Student reply 2 : I think fire plans for the maritime industry should be a standalone standard due to the different hazards/environment that the industry deals with. Unlike any other industry, the maritime industry is on the water, which creates a whole different type of hazard that other industry's don't have to associate with. They also have to deal with type of chemical hazards and different type of environmental hazards than the regular industry. Thus meaning, that fire plans are totally different due to limited safe access from a fire because you're out on the open water. Unlike a standard industry job on land where if a fire incurs inside of a building you can evacuate outside on safe land away from the fire, however, when a fire takes over a vessel on the water, there is no where to go to avoid the fire, than the only safe haven would be the water, which also isn't safe. Therefore, the fire plan should be different due to the vast difference in the job setting. It is mandatory because the ship is the key to survival for all the employees on the ship. If that ship gets overtook by a fire, than the employees have to either put it out, or abandon the ship, which doesn't ensure that they're safe. The maritime business mostly transports goods, and if the goods are damaged and doesn't make them to where they need to go, than the shipping company is out of business. So, a fire plan is mandatory because it is crucial to employees lives, and the company's business. Part two: create a process checklist for contractors