Date: 26/09/2013
Feedback Given By: User_3720
Feedback Comment: I will send you parts 3 and 4 later next month thanks,,,,,,great job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: expert4u
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: Select a cultural moment that exemplifies the concept of sleep of reason. Define a single monster that is contemporary to the cultural moment selected. Develop a claim that argues the relation between cultural moment and monstrous discourse in terms of the compiled artifacts. Collect 8 artifacts in order to illustrate the connection between the cultural moment and the monster selected. Employ research from Monsters in America and at least 2 of Pooles sources (research is limited to this text and its bibliography). Include an MLA formatted Works Cited page that includes entries of all sources as well as applicable artifacts. Submit the individual components of the assignment as outlined below (failure to do so will result in a 10 point reduction from the final grade for the assignment). Part 1: Exegesis (1.5-2 pages). Students will compose an exegesis of the cultural moment they plan to explore and its corresponding social anxiety. This explication should include enough information for someone unfamiliar with the cultural moment to understand the context. In addition, students should convey why this particular cultural moment exemplifies the concept of sleep of reason. Part 2: Definition (1.5-2 pages). Using Pooles text as their source, students will define a monster prevalent during the cultural moment outlined in Part 1. Students must employ direct textual evidence from Monsters in America to support their claim of the monsters prevalence. these are 2 parts,,,one is due tomorrow and the second part is due next week. Pool's Book is Monesters in America