Date: 17/09/2013
Feedback Given By: User_3677
Feedback Comment: he is very good and understand what u want..
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: tutor4U_d_971
Total payment made for this project was: $15.00
Project Summary: In 600-700 words, analyze the experience and arrive at conclusions about the contradictory assumptions. Focus on the" opposition of contraries" that provide "tension" to your story. Begin by directly identifying and explaining the assumption- and why they seem to contradict. You could then explain why you held one or both assumptions- their origin in your life. Or perhaps these assumptions were "hidden"-ideas that guided you, even if you didn't fully realize it. Maybe only now are you able to identify an assumption that guided you. In other word, there is no formula on how to proceed in part B after you identify the assumptions, but ultimately you must evaluate them. Are both valid, even if one is more `true` or important? Why do you conclude that? Or maybe you now see they do not contradict as much as you thought. Why? Or maybe neither is really true. Or Perhaps you have yet to fully determine their relative truth(but don't just say, `I guess I don't know`; elaborate on what is still confusing.)