Date: 13/10/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9308
Feedback Comment: very good job, on time
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: Reading Response 2: 15% of course grade Write a two-three page (no more than four pages 650-850 words) reading responses over one assigned reading. "The Coldest Girl in ColdTown" "Night of Passage" "Liking and Not-Liking Fantasy" "Why Are Americans Afraid of Dragons?" "Fantasy" by C.W. Sullivan "As the Twis is Bent..." Reading Responses should be double spaced. The reading responses will be a chance for you to synthesize your understanding of the content by writing brief summaries, quotes, and questions. Not only will the reading responses help you understand the information in the readings that connect with the overarching theme, but also over the course. In the end, you will have a nice collection of your thoughts related to pivotal titles and criticism in young adult literature. Practice using and applying the characteristics of YAL Practice using and applying different critical techniques of analysis When responding to the critical essays, you can enter into a conversation with the author. In other words, if you could speak to them in response to what they had written, what would you say? What do they need to know?