Date: 26/09/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9873
Feedback Comment: Got it done on time! They are great to work with, submitted my assignment so don't have a grade just yet! Would most def recommend!
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $30.00
Project Summary: you must read it and write a 3-4 page typed analysis paper (MSWord, 12 point Times New Roman Font, Double-spaced, 1 inch margins). In your paper, briefly respond to the following questions in essay format: How does the author(s) define Chicano/as/Latina/os? What are the main concepts/key findings/conceptual arguments? What are the research methods (i.e. interviews, historical documents, literary analysis, oral stories, Census data, etc.) the author(s) uses to answer their central research question(s) or address the phenomenon (i.e. why do Hispanics select Some other race on the US Census?) under consideration? How does this connect to other material weve covered in class? What are the overall strengths and limitations? What, if any, are the policy implications (i.e. what practices or policies can organizations, institutions, or government employ as a result of this article)? What is your critique of the article? Be sure to ground your critique in the reading, what you have learned in class, or an outside scholarly source? What questions does this raise for you?