Date: 23/09/2016
Feedback Given By: jylnicole
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: HR Article Review - Analyze the attached article Ogbonna, E., & Harris, L. C. (2001). The founders legacy: Hangover or inheritance? British Journal of Management, 12(1), 13-31. Write a review that is a minimum of two pages in length of the article listed above. Include the following elements in your article review: - an introduction to the overarching topic of the article, - the authors main points, - the authors supporting evidence for each main point, - your analysis of how the article relates to this courses content and how it applies to real-world situations, - your critical evaluation of the main points and supporting evidence presented in this article (your evaluation should demonstrate critical thinking to inform and substantiate your opinion), and - a conclusion. Use APA style. Cite all sources.