Date: 19/09/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9588
Feedback Comment: It was on time and He really did a good job
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: committedwriter
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: Topic: Five paragraph essay: argue FOR or AGAINST the Internet is the Internet a blessing or a curse? PICK ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER AND STICK WITH THAT POSITION in your paper. You will not need outside research for this paper, and should write from your own thoughts, ideas, and observations to form your own conclusions (for or against) the subject. Structure: Five Paragraphs, Persuasion Introduction Paragraph with thesis statement (thesis = a one sentence statement that includes the subject and purpose (argument) of your essay.) In your introduction & thesis statement, you need to show us that this is a persuasion essay and that you are arguing for or against something (the good or bad of the Internet.) Underline your thesis statement. In your introduction, also use a creative hook such as personal example, question, or anecdote, to draw your reader in, and a clear overview of three main supporting points you will develop in body paragraphs Three Supporting Body Paragraphs: each paragraph should include a topic sentence that reveals ONE supporting detail to give evidence to your position, as stated in your introduction with your thesis statement. Underline each topic sentence. Conclusion Paragraph: provide a final conclusion and final thoughts to wrap up, re-state and conclude your essay's argument. In your conclusion paragraph, re-state your thesis and underline it. IDEAS FOR YOUR PERSUASION ESSAY: Some ideas you may want to focus on: Internet/online video games; children and the Internet; using the Internet at work and home; the heavy usage of Facebook/snapchat/Instagram/ and other forms of Internet social media..you may use just one of these sub-topics for your paper, or try to combine all into one paper- no matter which option you choose, be sure your essay is solid in "persuasion/argument" strategies. You may write this paper in the first person point of view (using yourself, "I" statements,) if you wish to bring in personal examples based on your experiences, or opt to write entirely in the third person (he/she/it, with no "I" statements). Be sure to consider voice (clear, authoritative, informed, knowledgable, persuasive); audience (standard audience at 8th grade reading level of standard written English, or above); purpose (to clearly state your subject and your position on the subject that this is a persuasive piece.) In short, you will need to "sell" your reader on your position by integrating all of these strategies that help make up a good expository essay, with a focus on persuasion.