Date: 29/07/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9864
Feedback Comment: Great to work with, excellent work and did revision until I was happy :)
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Frank_Pro
Total payment made for this project was: $50.00
Project Summary: I have done the 3 sections I just need someone to clean it up address the Professors comments and add the diagram and just put everything all together. I have attached the first part I will be able to send the other 2 parts. . Thelma and Louise, best friends since they were 5, lost their jobs in the recession in 2008. Both were excellent at baking and loved cupcakes, which were becoming increasingly popular businesses. The women started a little endeavor baking together, calling it Thelma & Louises Cupcake Madness (TLCM). Thelmas kitchen was the headquarters and soon they were selling cupcakes to friends for special events. The word spread about the high quality, delicious and finely decorated cupcakes and Louise then began using her kitchen to bake and keep up with demand. The women were enjoying their new venture and business continued to boom. They decided to take out a loan and expand their operation into a small storefront. They bought equipment and hired a few people they knew (friends and relatives). It was an exciting time and everyone was happy! But, Thelma and Louise worked non-stop, 7-days a week and pushed their employees to do the same. Many were threatening to quit if they didnt get help. Employees were not recommending any of their friends or family to work at TLCM and cupcakes were not much fun anymore. Section 1: TLCM is located in a big city competing with national brands and franchises for business. They are not big enough or profitable enough to offer health benefits or paid time off. How can Thelma and Louise leverage social media and other best practices to find quality, cupcake qualified workers? It is difficult to find individuals with these skills. Develop a tweet (146 characters or less) that would attract the right talent for TLCM Write a message to post on the company Facebook page or LinkedIn Group page to attract the right talent for TLCM. Be sure to research other companies and their approach to use as support for your proposed messages. Identify the companies you benchmarked and provide reasoning for your choices. The tweets and statuses were working a little too well. Thelma & Louise attracted more candidates than they knew what to do with. As new workers came on board, though, the quality of the cupcakes began to decline. Section 2: Thelma & Louise have no formal training program. How do they even know if training will remedy the quality problem? Describe the steps in conducting a Training Needs Assessment and how it fits into the ADDIE model of training. How do you know if training will remedy the quality problem? When would training not be appropriate to use at TLCM? As a trusted HR Advisor/Consultant, you realize the importance of measurements. Research Kirkpatricks four levels of training evaluation and explain how you can/would measure each level for TLCM. After reviewing the SHRM PowerPoint on training transfer and conducting your own research, add at least one item to each category on Broads training matrix to lead to a more effective training experience. Training_Grid_BestPract.docxPreview the documentView in a new window Be sure to identify other companies Best Practices and use them as reasoning for your recommendations TLCM continued to run smoothly and grow into a world leader in the cupcake business. It had been 25 years since Thelma & Louise placed that first cupcake in the over and now they would like to begin planning for retirement. They have no idea who could take over the business. They have no interested family members plus, no one in the family knows cupcakes like they do! Thelma and Louise decide to fill their own positions and other key roles from their now large existing staff and hire outside of the company only when necessary Section 3: Thelma & Louise identify the positions they have in the company: store cashiers, Internet and general customer service associates (phones only), Internet customer service representatives (email & online chat) IT/Security professionals, help-desk technicians, Master Cupcake Bakers, Specialty Cupcake Bakers, Baker Assistants, Store Managers, and Owner-Operators (their own roles as President and CEO Build a job ladder showing the progression of positions moving up in the company. Design a career path for a Bakers Assistant with options that appeal to Gen Y and including the timeframes for possible job changes/promotions/opportunities. What will Thelma and Louise need to do to build a top-notch Succession Plan covering not only their positions, but also the other openings on the job ladder? Research and apply Best Practices to the Succession Planning process, explaining why your choices would be best. Be sure to differentiate between a good and better/best solution. Again, support all of your recommendations with research and critical thinking. For each section, you must: Research best practices of other companies and use them as support for your recommendations. It isnt often that you can take an entire process that is working in one company and make it work in another. You may need to choose the parts that will work and add your own ideas. What can be applied to TLCM?