Date: 27/07/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9723
Feedback Comment:
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $20.00
Project Summary: IRAC Family or Employment, including wills, trusts, or health directives IRAC Basics: Issue(s) - are written in the form of questions! These issues are questions one might ask regarding how the law applies to the article you have chosen. Rules - are the laws/rules that the writer thinks may apply to the issues. Analysis - is where the writer either proves or disproves the application of the rules. This is a major focus of the paper and presentation.critical thinking must be applied. Conclusion - will take one of two approaches. First, if the court has decided the case, do you agree with the decision? Why, or why not? If the court has yet to make a decision, what do you think needs to be done, and why. There is no minimum or limitation to the length of the paper. The writers approach is to be concise, organized, and complete in the presentation of the case. If you need any further clarification of this assignment, please make an appointment to see me during office hours. Be sure to attach the news article/court case to your essay. If the article/case is not attached a score will not be given. The attachment can be in the form of a link to a web page. SAMPLE IN THE ATTACHMENT FOR ESSAYSTAR.