Date: 24/07/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9819
Feedback Comment: Put a good amount of time in researching the subject and completed the assignment on time. I would definitely recommend this writer.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: Brilliant Answers
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: IST- P.roject management course Part 1: In your opinion, to what extent do you think it is possible to a transform a risk-averse person into risk-seeking person? What ideas can you come up with for training risk-seeking people to become more risk-neutral? A one or two paragraph answer is sufficient. Project Procurement Management Part 2: Search the internet for articles about IT outsourcing. Describe what types of products and services are being outsourced, and in what industries. List two examples. Explain why companies are outsourcing some of their products and services. Lastly, summarize the pros and cons of IT outsourcing. Write up your responses in about two pages. Part 3: Search the internet for a sample RFP (request for proposal) or go to the following website (www.fbo.gov and click View Opportunities) to see RFP examples from the federal government. Read through one real-world RFP associated with IT and document the following: 1. What product or service is being requested? 2. What is the response date or deadline? 3. Who is the proposal to be submitted to? For example, who is named as the primary point of contact?