Date: 13/06/2016
Feedback Given By: User_9096
Feedback Comment: Assignment completed in a timely manner. Very satisfied.
Project Details
Project Status: Completed
This work has been completed by: ESSAYSTAR
Total payment made for this project was: $25.00
Project Summary: Select a topic in Human Resource Management for the write up. Topic 1: Cultural diversity in the workplace: what are the advantages and disadvantages; what are the rewards and challenges? Topic 2: Understanding the connections between job satisfaction, loyalty of the worker to the company, and commitment. Next you will find two CURRENT (dated 2010-2015) representations of that topic in the business context (news article, company policy, press release etc.) or an academic source with research in the topic (academic research in a journal article, NOTE: Wikipedia IS NOT an academic source). These representations should present opposing views on the topic ( ie you could find an article that states that performance appraisals are very useful, the opposing article would say they are not of much use to the organization etc.) A library resource guide has been created to help you with this search. You will submit a one page write up on each article you read for the presentation ( two QQTP Write ups in all). The Q-Q-TP stands for: Question, Quote, and Talking Points. It is a useful framework for readers to engage in critical thinking and glean course relevant information from the reading. Q-uestions Jot down questions that come to mind about issues, information, and ideas discussed by the author(s) of the article (s). 20% Q-uotes Choose quotes from the readings. The quotes should be something the author(s) said that you found particularly interesting, compelling, or thought provoking. Briefly discuss or explain why you chose the quotes that you selected in this section. Refer to HR theories and concepts presented to discuss and explain your rationale for selecting the particular quote you chose. 50% T-alking Points Develop three talking points. Think of talking points as open-ended questions that could be used to stimulate a discussion on the articles you read. (Note: You are not required to write answers or responses to the three talking points you develop.) 30%