During college life, students have to work part-time to meet their basic needs and also to set aside money for unexpected expenses. Turns out, there are lucrative jobs hiding on every college campus that provide beneficial career experience. The main advantage of an on-campus job is that it is a short distance from classrooms and dorms to the workplace. It will save plenty of time later on. Furthermore, college staff will always understand students’ problems and grant enough time to complete an urgent assignment or coursework.
There are some ordinary positions like a welcome desk ambassador or college tour guide, but the 20 jobs listed below are pretty common and can heighten students’ skills while making a little cash.
- Manage a school website
- Photoshop images for a college publication
- Tutor local and international students
- Assist your professor or some Ph.D. student
- Work as your college’s official photographer
- Become a Twitter brand ambassador for your school
- Do administrative office work
- Teach in your college’s daycare center
- Help to manage sport teams
- Become a DJ on a college radio station
- Work as a library assistant
- Produce a school play
- Write articles for your college newspaper
- Become a gym trainer
- Organize events for your school’s alumni association
- Work as a café manager
- Represent some company as its student ambassador in your college
- Help to grade students’ tests
- Assist the IT support department in your school
- Become a tax consultant for professors and students
Students seeking to get an on-campus job should directly contact the Student Employment Center of their college. It would not be out of place to ask professors for references or worthwhile advice.
Love this list! I was a gym trainer at my university and it really gave me a lot of good opportunity for a job after I graduated